Monday, October 09, 2006

Beauty in insanity

My teammates have discovered a new way to torment me. The other day, while we were doing dishes, I was scrubbing the pots and pans and silverware. I always try to finish the silverware first for no apparent reason and I don't like to miss any because it's easier if we do it all in one bunch. After I wash the silverware, it goes through the sanitizer and then to the dryers. It is this bunch of people who are my tormentors. You see, I missed some silverware and and bemoaned the fact loudly. After taking what I missed to the sanitizer, I came back to discover more silverware in the sink. I KNEW that this silveware had not been there when I had left and, seeing that there was a rack of silverware currently being dried by suspiciously smiling people, I began to make accusations. They were justified and correct, but they didn't help except to seal for myself a fate of silverware randomly appearing in the sink well after I washed the rest of it. I, began freaking out this particular time and drew the attention of a staff member. When he asked what I was ranting about, James replied, "Silverware". I like it here.

1 comment:

Gurly239 said...

Hey! Glad your having a good time.