Monday, September 25, 2006

First Program

Friends and Followers just did their forst program. We took over the Sunday School for our home church this Sunday. It was a little hectic getting ready for the program. We learned a puppet script in two days. We're still just getting used to our puppets, too. The program went well, though. The kids enjoyed (so did we). It is very tiring to sing and jump around at the same time. It's not really good singing technique to be using your diaphram as a pivot point for swinging your upper body around. I'm starting to think that recreation time isn't actually there because we won't get enough exercise, but ot get us in shape for Children's Programs. It's a lot of fun.

Puppets are another thing. Our team has four puppeteers (I'm the puppet coordinator and a puppeteer) and only James has used puppets before. We have literally made up a personality for our puppets, including a life story, family, quirks, pet peeves, etc... Puppets are fun. There are rules about our puppets. They cannot accept Christ (they don't have a soul) and they can't get away with being bad (though they can be bad). Puppets are very realistic to kids, so we need to treat them as though they are real characters. No one puts on someone else's puppet. It's actually quite fun. The realistic part of it just adds to the puppet experience. It also set a standard of excellence for the puppeteers. Puppets are such an amazing teaching tool! They need to be used wisely.


Karina: Queen of Spuds said...

YAY FOR PUPPETS!! I'm so glad that your first program went so well. I was praying for you!

elly said...

So was I! Wouldn't want to be left out of the spiritual-ness here... I'm really glad it went well!