Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good-bye Russia!

Hello everyone! It’s been so long since I’ve posted anything new. Russia has treated us well and we are packing up to go. The lessons we have learned will stick with us for a lifetime.
Cool answer to prayer: we’ve been all worried about getting our luggage to England inexpensively. When got to Russia we found out that weight restrictions on Russian flights are less than North American flights. We managed to bargain down the overweight charges (the airport official likely pocketed some extra cash in the exchange) when me flew from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk where we were ministering for the first month, but we didn’t know how we would get our stuff back to Moscow from Ulan Ude where we are now. The missionaries have been looking for cheaper ways to move our equipment, but couldn’t find any. We resigned ourselves to the ridiculous overweight charges. Then, earlier this evening, we found a cheap way of getting our luggage to Moscow along with us. Praise God!
I am sad to say good-bye to our Russian friends here. We got the greatest encouragement today. One girl in told us that she could feel the peace in us despite the chaos we are often in. She also said there is great unity on our team. I am happy to hear that. Praise God for keeping our team unified and shining the light of the Gospel through our love as Jesus commanded us. It is not our own hard work that accomplishes this, but the power of God. If God is for us, who can be against us?
I have had the blessing of having access to phone and internet as long as I share with the guys, although I forgot my username for my blog, so I have been unable to use it or post anything until now. Thank-you for telling me my own name, Dielle. I feel a little silly now. I am SO computer savvy.
Pray that God continues bless our team. Pray for the growth of His Church in Russia and that leaders are raised up for the Church. There is much to be done here, but God is changing lives and that is AWESOME. Live for His glory. It’s not just the best way; it’s the only way.

1 comment:

elly said...

woohoo!! the Russian part is done... the days continue to lessen!!